Become a Member of Uckfield Heritage and Unlock the Past!
Unearth the rich tapestry of Uckfield's history and be part of its future by becoming a member of Uckfield Heritage.
Why Join?
Delve into Local History: Gain exclusive access to our extensive archives, talks, and events led by passionate enthusiasts.
Support Nutley Windmill: Help preserve this iconic landmark through volunteering opportunities and member-only events at the mill.
Support Bridge Cottage: "Join us in safeguarding Bridge Cottage for future generations."
Together, we can:
Protect Uckfield's unique heritage for generations to come.
Promote appreciation for the town's beauty and history.
Membership starts from just £15.00 per year. Join us today and become a steward of Uckfield's heritage!
Click here to download our membership application pdf